Posts by TheFanMan64

\n studio-striking\n
1) Message boards : Number crunching : Hot spot temp 110°C (Message 8591)
Posted 17 Apr 2024 by TheFanMan64
For some reason, distributed's opencl ati tasks causes my gpu to only reach about 60-67*
°C, but the hotspot reaches 105-110°C, which i believe is causing my sudden system shutdowns. Yet other games, stresstests, and even other projects don't do this, and the hotspot only reaches 80-87°C with core temps 65°C and the system remains powerd on and the gpu util is maxxed out.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Hot spot temp 110°C(ignore) (Message 8590)
Posted 17 Apr 2024 by TheFanMan64
Ignore this it got posted twice for some reason
3) Questions and Answers : Windows : Extreme GPU hotspot temps (Message 8589)
Posted 17 Apr 2024 by TheFanMan64
Update, the hotspot reaches 110 and the system crashes. Other project dont do this and max i saw on the hotspot for those was 83*c
4) Questions and Answers : Windows : Extreme GPU hotspot temps (Message 8588)
Posted 17 Apr 2024 by TheFanMan64
For some reason, distributed's opencl ati taks causes my gpy to only reach about 60-67*C, but the hotspot reaches 105*C, which i believe is causing my sudden system shutdowns. Yet other games, stresstests, and even other projects don't do this, and the hotspot only reaches 80*C and the system remains powerd on and the gpu util is maxxed out.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Amd/ATI tasks (Message 8568)
Posted 3 Feb 2024 by TheFanMan64
Yea, i had to turn off auto driver update due to the latest driver being broken, should be fixed now
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Amd/ATI tasks (Message 8565)
Posted 3 Feb 2024 by TheFanMan64
Figured it out, the job-ATI 14 xml file still had dntec518 instead of dntec521. Changing it fixed it
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Amd/ATI tasks (Message 8564)
Posted 3 Feb 2024 by TheFanMan64
It gave me all the tasks, but suddenly ati tasks are compute erroring
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Amd/ATI tasks (Message 8562)
Posted 3 Feb 2024 by TheFanMan64
Here is the Nvidia OpenCL App Version file:


Here is the CPU one:
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Moo Wrapper runs 1 project on 2 GPU but gets stuck on 93.840%. (Message 8560)
Posted 3 Feb 2024 by TheFanMan64
I used to have the same issue on a spesific machine, it has a GTX 760 and a GT 730, runs fine all the way up to about 93% where according to msi afterburner, the gtx 760 stops computing and the 730 is left computing alone for a while, this has since stopped an
d it now sends single tasks for each card.
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Amd/ATI tasks (Message 8559)
Posted 3 Feb 2024 by TheFanMan64
Ok it worked, but now i get no cpu tasks for moo
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Amd/ATI tasks (Message 8558)
Posted 3 Feb 2024 by TheFanMan64
Running, no errors yet
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Amd/ATI tasks (Message 8557)
Posted 3 Feb 2024 by TheFanMan64
Gpuz reports it as the RS880 model, ill go to amd to see if they have the right drivers at some point, but for now I'm going to test your method
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Amd/ATI tasks (Message 8555)
Posted 2 Feb 2024 by TheFanMan64
also its the HD 4200 IGP, so isn't it the RS880? at least according to techpowerup, unless its just a relabel.
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Amd/ATI tasks (Message 8554)
Posted 2 Feb 2024 by TheFanMan64
I will try this when I get home. the Nvidia card works fine in the system for tasks, it was just the HD 4200 (rv610). I also have a laptop with a 6370m that (shows up in BOINC as hd 5400/r5210 for some reason) I've been having trouble getting open CL enabled even though it has support. also, I'm going to try to overclock the 4200 a bit since if it dies I'll disable it anyway. Thanks for the help, I'll see if it works or not.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Amd/ATI tasks (Message 8552)
Posted 1 Feb 2024 by TheFanMan64
Are there any amd/ati jobs that work on gpus without openCL support? I saw the ATI 14 application , witch differ from the openCL ati applications, but my gpu (hd 4200) doesn't get tasks.
16) Questions and Answers : Windows : Older, Non Open-CL GPUs. (Message 8551)
Posted 31 Jan 2024 by TheFanMan64
Hello, I was wondering if the Ati Radeon HD 4200 (and other older non-open-CL AMD/ATI GPUs) Still gets tasks, I've got a computer with a GT 610 installed, and it has the option to enable the onboard HD 4200 alongside the Nvidia. Since it wouldn't really hurt anything I was wondering if the GPU still got tasks. CPU is a Phenom II X2 521. My 7800xt, R5 240, and HD 6310 get tasks, but they have OPEN CL support.
17) Questions and Answers : Windows : Nvidia tasks all Computation error out (Message 8548)
Posted 15 Jan 2024 by TheFanMan64
Just in case, i installed all of them (2005,2012,2013, and 2015-2022.) it ended up working. Thanks alot!
Edit: well, kind of. That was one issue, but after enabling my intel gpu in bios to use a multi monitor setup, it did it again. I found a post from 2018 stating the same issue with a 1050ti and intel graphics, apparently with the 1050ti if intel graphics are enabled moo wrapper tries to use it for computation, and fails. So ill just have to stick with one monitor and get an adapter later.
Weird thing is it has worked before with moo, the 1050ti, and intel graphics enabled, so idk.
18) Questions and Answers : Windows : Nvidia tasks all Computation error out (Message 8546)
Posted 14 Jan 2024 by TheFanMan64
Well, thanks for trying to help anyway, it used to work fine on this computer but now it doesn't since I put a different boot drive in. Reinstalling BOINC didn't help, but I will try again after deleting the BOINC data folder. otherwise, I might just try reinstalling direct 3d drivers as I feel the Nvidia GPU for this specific project isn't enough to get me to reinstall windows unless this causes other issues. it's not my main pc anyways.
19) Questions and Answers : Windows : Nvidia tasks all Computation error out (Message 8544)
Posted 14 Jan 2024 by TheFanMan64
Not sure, the only Antivirus i have is windows 11's windows defender.

Im excluding the boinc folder from defender, ill see if helps.

Did not work
20) Questions and Answers : Windows : Nvidia tasks all Computation error out (Message 8543)
Posted 14 Jan 2024 by TheFanMan64
Not sure, the only Antivirus i have is windows 11's windows defender.

Im excluding the boinc folder from defender, ill see if helps.

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