Posts by JerWA

\n studio-striking\n
1) Message boards : Number crunching : 7970s Dont Run (Message 2921)
Posted 19 Mar 2012 by JerWA
Does this apply to the 7950s as well? I've had to drop my AMDs off Moo! because one of the driver updates seems to have puked it as well, causing my previously working HD5870 to error. But my 7950 behaves the same way, or did last I tried, and pukes every WU.

Any word on compatibility with the 12.x drivers as well as the HD7950?

FWIW Collatz and MW both run fine with no special antics from me, though GPU usage is a bit disappointing (Collatz rarely gets above 75%). PG, last I tried, does the same thing Moo! does.

HD7950 WU just run:
2) Message boards : Number crunching : ATI 12.1 - Preview (Message 2526)
Posted 4 Feb 2012 by JerWA
Getting this error on my HD5870s since the driver update:

16:23:40 (3256): input buffer 258 packets (45440 bytes), checkpoint file 1 packets (208 bytes), output buffer 0 packets (0 bytes)
16:23:40 (3256): premature exit detected, app exit status: 0xc0000005
16:23:40 (3256): too many retries (max 10), cancelling

118 WUs puked with the same 0xc0000005 error, though there are other messages before it. It seems like it can't hook the GPUs, they never show any load while MOO tries to run.

Reset project, detached project, no change, does that to every MOO WU.

Collatz and MW running fine still.

Here's a larger snip (this repeats until it hits 10 retries):
- exit code 195 (0xc3)
16:19:19 (2540): wrapper: starting v1.3.9.7
16:19:19 (2540): device: 2 x ATI Radeon HD 5800 series (Cypress) (CAL version 1.4.1664, 1024MB, 1024MB available, 5440 GFLOPS peak)
16:19:19 (2540): checkpoint interval: 15 min (task 1361500 GFLOPS, 2 min)
16:19:19 (2540): wrapper: running dnetc518-win32-x86-stream.exe (-ini dnetc.ini -runoffline -multiok=1) - attempt 1/10

dnetc v2.9109-518-CTR-10092920 for ATI Stream on Win32 (WindowsNT 6.1).
Using email address ( ID) '<censored> '

[Feb 03 00:19:19 UTC] Automatic processor detection found 2 processors.
[Feb 03 00:19:19 UTC] Loading crunchers with work...
[Feb 03 00:19:19 UTC] Automatic processor type detection found
a HD5870/HD5970, HD5870/HD5970 processor.
[Feb 03 00:19:19 UTC] RC5-72: using core #0 (IL 4-pipe c).
[Feb 03 00:19:19 UTC] RC5-72 #a: Loaded CC:27E65520:00000000:38*2^32
[Feb 03 00:19:19 UTC] RC5-72 #b: Loaded CC:27E6554F:00000000:52*2^32
[Feb 03 00:19:19 UTC] RC5-72: 164 packets (688.00 stats units) remain in
[Feb 03 00:19:19 UTC] RC5-72: 0 packets are in out.r72
[Feb 03 00:19:19 UTC] 2 crunchers ('a' and 'b') have been started.
16:19:22 (2540): input buffer 164 packets (28896 bytes), checkpoint file 2 packets (384 bytes), output buffer 0 packets (0 bytes)
16:19:22 (2540): premature exit detected, app exit status: 0xc0000005
16:19:22 (2540): wrapper: running dnetc518-win32-x86-stream.exe (-ini dnetc.ini -runoffline -multiok=1) - attempt 2/10

Any ideas? First time I've had any problems with MOO at all.

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