Posts by Aurum

\n studio-striking\n
1) Questions and Answers : Web site : Dear administrators, please fix the "create a team" function on your website (Message 8525)
Posted 1 Nov 2023 by Aurum

<name>Your team</name>
<description>Info about The Final Front Ear</description>

It's next to the last line in the file and you should be able to copy one from a working project into your Moo xml file as all the Projects use a standard Team list they draw from.
I think this only works if you created a universal team years ago. They abandoned that long ago so now new teams each have a different Team ID for each project. If one had a way to discover their Team ID for Moowrap or LHC they could display their team link. But I suspect that projects like LHC and Moowrap abandoned team creation when universal team creation was abandoned by BOINC.
It would be nice if they'd implement team creation but I doubt they ever will.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Massive Failures (Message 8223)
Posted 16 Jul 2020 by Aurum
It's clear that CPU WUs are a disaster. I disabled CPU work and returned all the ones I have.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Massive Failures (Message 8222)
Posted 16 Jul 2020 by Aurum
In the last 20 minutes the failures have already increased to 46%.
There are 19 Invalids but every time I click on Invalid on the Tasks page I get Service Unavailable.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Massive Failures (Message 8221)
Posted 16 Jul 2020 by Aurum
Is it the status quo for this project to produce a huge number (43% of WUs) of "errors while computing???"

process exited with code 195 (0xc3, -61)</message>
05:33:36 (31482): wrapper: starting v1.3.9.7
05:33:36 (31482): device: 28 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2683 v3 @ 2.00GHz [Family 6 Model 63 Stepping 2] (3.100020 GFLOPS)
05:33:36 (31482): checkpoint interval: 70 min (task 12600 GFLOPS, 68 min)
05:33:36 (31482): wrapper: running dnetc517-linux-x86-elf-uclibc (-ini dnetc.ini -runoffline -multiok=1) - attempt 1/10

dnetc v2.9108-517-CFR-10032922 for Linux (Linux 5.3.0-62-generic).
Using email address ( ID) '<censored> '

[Jul 16 12:33:36 UTC] Open failed for './in.r72'
Unable to obtain directory information.
[Jul 16 12:33:36 UTC] Buffer seek/read error. Partial packet discarded.
[Jul 16 12:33:36 UTC] Shutdown - packet limit exceeded.
[Jul 16 12:33:36 UTC] Open failed for './in.r72'
Unable to obtain directory information.
[Jul 16 12:33:36 UTC] Open failed for './in.r72'
Unable to obtain directory information.
[Jul 16 12:33:36 UTC] *Break* Shutting down...
[Jul 16 12:33:36 UTC] Shutdown complete.
05:33:37 (31482): app exit status: 0xfe
05:33:37 (31482): called boinc_finish

5) Message boards : Number crunching : CPU WU earn enough to bother??? (Message 8109)
Posted 8 Apr 2019 by Aurum
Relative to GPU WUs and other CPU projects do the CPU earn enough to bother running them???
6) Message boards : Number crunching : This is just weird, help needed! (Message 8107)
Posted 26 Mar 2019 by Aurum
Yes Moowrapper is very weird. I've been searching for a description of the strange behavior of this project and can find nothing. There should be a pinned link explaining what to expect.

E.g., two computers both with a pair of 1080 Ti's and one gets "0.2 CPUs + 2 NVIDIA GPUs (devices 0, 1)" and the other gets "0.25 CPUs + 1 NVIDIA GPU (device 0)" for no apparent reason.

The GPU Utilization is so low I'd normally run two WUs per GPU but this project is so odd I have no idea what I should do.

Also the MW Preferences have so many options that all use "pipe" but when I search this website for pipe I get nothing. And it sometimes just throws off 100% Cumputation Erros that seems to be mitigated if I reboot the computer.

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