Posts by Bernt

\n studio-striking\n
1) Message boards : Cafe : Last person to post # 15 (Message 6053)
Posted 8 Jul 2014 by Profile Bernt
Hi Mikey,

Yes life is all about frivolities of one sort or another, but I don't ever forget you guys here. I am around for the long term, and will add a bit of crunching shortly :-))

Take care


Oh I stopped crunching here a while back, when I hit a billion credits. Now I am just here for the games!

So have I, just make a remark of winning.
2) Message boards : Cafe : Last person to post # 15 (Message 6030)
Posted 2 May 2014 by Profile Bernt
Happy I am not a squirrel. I like hot peppers and chilli. It is to early to plant tomatoes here in sweden unless you have a special gardenhouse that have some kind heating. You need to reach june before you put the plants outdoor or they will have frostbite.
3) Message boards : Cafe : Last person to post # 15 (Message 6028)
Posted 1 May 2014 by Profile Bernt
Today it is the King of Swedens birthday.
We are more celebrating the last day of April. Valborg is the name in our calendar of the year. The funny name in Swedish is "Valborgmässoafton". A kind of translation could be "the evening when you celebrate Valborg" by lit fireworks, sing some songs welcoming the spring, make a speech to the spring and stuff like that. Just have a good time. Tomorrow it is the 1th of May and the winter should be gone, but you can never be quite sure, there have been setbacks before. Happy "Valborgmässoafton" everyone. By the way WINNING!

I hope it comes true this year!!!
Have you been watching tv lately and the series the 'Vikings'? They mention Valborg, I think, and alot of other names from Viking times, It is NOT a historical show, it is about a group of people growing up in the time of the Vikings and how they go around plundering and how it and everything else affects their daily lives, including how they interact with their King and other groups. It is NOT for children and DOES have violence in it, for instance a couple of weeks ago they described what a 'blood eagle' was, how to do it and what it meant.

Rista Blodörn is a shamful way to be executed introduced by the Vikings of Iceland.
4) Message boards : Cafe : Last person to post # 15 (Message 6026)
Posted 30 Apr 2014 by Profile Bernt
Today it is the King of Swedens birthday.
We are more celebrating the last day of April. Valborg is the name in our calendar of the year. The funny name in Swedish is "Valborgmässoafton". A kind of translation could be "the evening when you celebrate Valborg" by lit fireworks, sing some songs welcoming the spring, make a speech to the spring and stuff like that. Just have a good time. Tomorrow it is the 1th of May and the winter should be gone, but you can never be quite sure, there have been setbacks before. Happy "Valborgmässoafton" everyone. By the way WINNING!
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Graphic card Radeon ATI R9 270X (Message 5998)
Posted 7 Apr 2014 by Profile Bernt
I used For me it seems to be very reliable connection to the seller.
You can follow the progress by means of tracking. In the end I could see that the shipment had arrived at our local postalservice complete with shipmentnumber. You needed a special document to pickup the shipment, to clear towards the swedish postal autority because it was a secured shipment. Not because of value but of size. Now I have released the order so the payment can go to th seller. Everybody happy even you, which makes me happy. The only person not happy is KimJungUn North Korea which makes the rest of the world very happy.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Graphic card Radeon ATI R9 270X (Message 5995)
Posted 5 Apr 2014 by Profile Bernt
Fan has arrived from China via Singapore to Sweden.
Mounted, up and running. Driver routine installed and working.

7) Message boards : Number crunching : Graphic card Radeon ATI R9 270X (Message 5994)
Posted 5 Apr 2014 by Profile Bernt
Fan has arrived from China via Singapore to Sweden.
Mounted, up and running. Driver routine installed and working.

8) Message boards : Number crunching : Why the Difference in Credit for ATI vs. Nvidia GPU (Message 5973)
Posted 16 Mar 2014 by Profile Bernt

I am new in this project (crunch with Nvidia).
It seems that a great difference of credit for such a small difference in Gpu/Cpu time is "crazy".
Each GPU card work on the same project ! So same credit !

for example (0.2 cpu + 1 gpu)
run time 2072
cpu time 1050
credit : 256

No it's all got to do with how WELL it works, not THAT it works. If I put you and a 2 year old in the same room you both might be able to stack some blocks, but you of course would do it MUCH better and faster, therefore you would get many more cookies for it. When a project starts it chooses to either make itself work with Nvidia cards or AMD cards as the programming is MUCH different for each. It usually depends on the resources of the person or group running the project and who they know and what the programmer is most familiar with. Then when one kind is working they kind of 'port' the programming over to the other kind, meaning it will work but we are back to my example of you and the 2 year old. Some projects are lucky and big enough to have access to programmers who know both kinds of gpu's and then both kinds work very well. But that is FAR from the norm in my experience.

For instance at Einstein I can take my AMD 7970, a near state of the art gpu, and run a gpu unit but it is taking me over 6 hours to finish a single unit. My Nvidia 560Ti, a 5 or more year old gpu, can do the same unit in about 2.5 hours. The project favors Nvidia cards but does work with AMD cards.

You are so informativ and clearly explains this rotten world of Nvidia versus ATI.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Graphic card Radeon ATI R9 270X (Message 5965)
Posted 12 Mar 2014 by Profile Bernt
This new card doesn´t work. I return it to the shop and waiting for the fan from China. Fatigue as the say in french!
10) Message boards : Cafe : Last person to post # 14 (Message 5961)
Posted 11 Mar 2014 by Profile Bernt
Nice day with a lot of sunshine. A bit windy but OK. Winning when I have my old graphic card back in business or if I´m lucky to make the new card run without any problem thanks to Mikey!

About the lodge. Anyone heard about ODD-FELLOW?
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Graphic card Radeon ATI R9 270X (Message 5960)
Posted 11 Mar 2014 by Profile Bernt
I have bought a new graphic card Radeon ATI R9 270X. I have it for test only so I can return it to the shop. No application accepts this card

13 2014-03-06 18:19:26 No usable GPUs found
14 Einstein@Home 2014-03-06 18:19:26 Application uses missing ATI GPU
15 Moo! Wrapper 2014-03-06 18:19:26 Application uses missing ATI GPU
Maybe it is not good enough for MOO and Einstein.

Anybody knews anything about this card?
Any help appreciated.

The new R series cards are slightly crippled for crunching they need an APP file to crunch:

I´m stupid I did not mention that I´m still running OS XP 32bit. I guess I need to go to at least W7.

ORRR you could try dropping back to an older driver that XP still supports and see if that will work for you. This page shows that you need to be no later then 12.3 I think.

IF you decide to do this make sure you also download the uninstaller from AMD and run it first.

The option of upgrading to Win7 is of course a better choice, to me, in the long run.

I made two things! I ordered a fan from China for 20$. I have 12.1 for my HD6850. Can I just install the new card without any update?
The installation CD only supports W7,W8 and Vista.
12) Message boards : Cafe : Last person to post # 14 (Message 5954)
Posted 9 Mar 2014 by Profile Bernt
Sunday, Lot of work with my lodge.
Satisfied and winning.
13) Message boards : Cafe : Bernt is User Of The Day (Message 5953)
Posted 9 Mar 2014 by Profile Bernt
Thanks Mikey.
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Graphic card Radeon ATI R9 270X (Message 5946)
Posted 7 Mar 2014 by Profile Bernt
I have bought a new graphic card Radeon ATI R9 270X. I have it for test only so I can return it to the shop. No application accepts this card

13 2014-03-06 18:19:26 No usable GPUs found
14 Einstein@Home 2014-03-06 18:19:26 Application uses missing ATI GPU
15 Moo! Wrapper 2014-03-06 18:19:26 Application uses missing ATI GPU
Maybe it is not good enough for MOO and Einstein.

Anybody knews anything about this card?
Any help appreciated.

The new R series cards are slightly crippled for crunching they need an APP file to crunch:

I´m stupid I did not mention that I´m still running OS XP 32bit. I guess I need to go to at least W7.

15) Message boards : Number crunching : Graphic card Radeon ATI R9 270X (Message 5942)
Posted 6 Mar 2014 by Profile Bernt
I have bought a new graphic card Radeon ATI R9 270X. I have it for test only so I can return it to the shop. No application accepts this card

13 2014-03-06 18:19:26 No usable GPUs found
14 Einstein@Home 2014-03-06 18:19:26 Application uses missing ATI GPU
15 Moo! Wrapper 2014-03-06 18:19:26 Application uses missing ATI GPU
Maybe it is not good enough for MOO and Einstein.

Anybody knews anything about this card?
Any help appreciated.
16) Message boards : Cafe : Last person to post # 14 (Message 5927)
Posted 28 Feb 2014 by Profile Bernt
winning at the 28th!
17) Message boards : Cafe : Last person to post # 14 (Message 5915)
Posted 21 Feb 2014 by Profile Bernt
Back at home after a nice week at Gotland. Picking up the doggies tomorrow. Mr cat was so happy to see us again. Lots of meowing and pushing with his head. He got some nice food. By the way, he was not home alone, we had a catsitter.
18) Message boards : Cafe : Last person to post # 14 (Message 5906)
Posted 17 Feb 2014 by Profile Bernt
Vacation and winning. Going to Gotland in the Baltic for a week!
19) Message boards : Cafe : Last person to post # 14 (Message 5902)
Posted 14 Feb 2014 by Profile Bernt
Closing and soon winning!
20) Message boards : Cafe : Last person to post # 14 (Message 5894)
Posted 11 Feb 2014 by Profile Bernt
Tuesday 11 of Febr. Snow melting away. +3 deg celsius. Some overcast and I´m WINNING!

Next 20

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