opencl problem in dual gpu(amd and nvidia mix)

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Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : opencl problem in dual gpu(amd and nvidia mix)
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Message 7409 - Posted: 26 Sep 2016, 4:11:32 UTC
Last modified: 26 Sep 2016, 4:18:10 UTC

I use two defferent gpu card (nvidia 1080fe and amd fury x) together in ubuntu 16.04.
when I run opencl_ati_101 application, opencl_ati_101 use only gtx1080. not use fury x.
Can i fix this problem?
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Message 7498 - Posted: 22 Nov 2016, 12:35:39 UTC - in response to Message 7409.  

You USED to be able to replace the client with the 521 dnet client that supports running on a specific GPU, and set up the default .ini file to use the CORRECT GPU.

This no longer works since the change to the "amd_101" wrapper - the wrapper apparently insists on REPLACING the client with the one it wants AND WILL OVERWRITE IT WITH A BROKEN 520 CLIENT THAT DOES NOT SUPPORT THE -devicenum COMMAND LINE PARAMETER. It also appears to generate the .ini file itself now instead of using one out of the directory.

I have *3* systems with AMD APUs that can not be used on BOINC for this reason - the NVidia cards in the system are for use on Folding@Home, and if I try to run BOINC on the system it FORCES ONE OF THE NVIDIA CARDS TO BE USED INSTEAD OF THE A10 APU - and completely BLOWS OFF anything in cc_config.xml or the website checkbox stuff to do so.
This makes it IMPOSSIBLE for me to run BOINC/Moowrap on these systems which is starting to tick me off a LOT, as I've wasted HOURS trying to get them working and they refuse to behave or pay attention to the BOINC configuration options that are supposed to CONTROL this sort of thing.

This setup WORKS under Windows just fine, it's not acceptable for it to act completely differently AND BE BROKEN under LINUX.
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Dirk Broer

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Message 7598 - Posted: 21 Feb 2017, 2:21:03 UTC - in response to Message 7498.  

You'd be a hero if you manage to run both the APU -or a AMD discrete card for that matter- and a nVidia card under Linux. If you want to crunch Moo! using an APU plus a card you better stick in one of more AMD cards that are compatible with the APU.
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Message 7620 - Posted: 17 Apr 2017, 13:55:02 UTC - in response to Message 7409.  

It's entirely possible to run both an AMD and a NVidia card on the same machine under LINUX - though it's a non-trivial setup (one of the FEW things Windows does better than LINUX).

The main limit though is that you can only get display output from ONE brand of card on the same machine, AFAIK, without doing some sort of "switcher" application that reconfigures things then reboots the machine.

You CAN get both to crunch at the same time - best to use an AMD card as your display output card though, as there is an option on the Nvidia driver installer to install it so it does NOT install OpenGL and end up overwriting some of the stuff the AMD driver installs - the AMD driver doesn't have that option.

Unfortunately, I can't find my note with the command-line option to use (I moved recently and am still getting stuff unpacked and sorted out) - I DO recall you have to manually install the Nvidia driver AFTER you have installed the AMD driver.
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Message 7621 - Posted: 17 Apr 2017, 13:57:56 UTC - in response to Message 7620.  

BTW - AMD APU and AMD discrete card are trivial, if you have a motherboard with an updated-enough BIOS to recognise the AMD discrete card *OR* if you have a recent-enough APU. I've had SEVERAL such systems running at times, though I do recall having issues with my A10-5700s not being usable when I installed a discrete card - 'till I upgraded the BIOS on the motherboards in question.
Sadly, those motherboards STILL won't let me use the GPU on my A10-5700s and my RX 470s at the same time - but they work fine with my older HD 7xxx and R9 2xx cards now.
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Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : opencl problem in dual gpu(amd and nvidia mix)

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