1.01 experence with mixed GPU card types

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Questions and Answers : Windows : 1.01 experence with mixed GPU card types
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Message 191 - Posted: 10 May 2011, 0:28:40 UTC

Purpose of this thread is to provide feedback for system running both ATI and nvidia cards in the same computer.

I haven’t had major issues thus far with running MOO on my system with the latest app. (computer ID 32)

I have an ATI 6970, a NVIDIA 430 and a NVIDIA 295 all in the same comp.

With the recent app, the ATI card is sitting at 99% GPU load, however the nvidia cards are at 50-53% load across all 3 nvidia GPUs with a core setting of -1. With a core setting of 1-, I get around 80% load across all 3 nvidia GPUs.

The nvidia app still takes a LOT longer to complete than the ATI app. In general, it takes around 15-16 min for an ATI app to complete on the ATI card and about an hour and a half to complete on the 3 combined nvidia GPUs.

In my experience, the ATI setting of .9 CPU is rather high, as it general uses 0-1% of my i7 (8thread) CPU, so that could be lowered. The CPU load for the nvidia app on my system as around 8-10% most of the time.

Completed nvidia tasks so far:
http://moowrap.net/result.php?resultid=73191 (core = 10, 1h 10m)
http://moowrap.net/result.php?resultid=73180 (core = -1, 1h 40 min)
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Questions and Answers : Windows : 1.01 experence with mixed GPU card types

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