Android Crunching IS coming!!

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Message 4534 - Posted: 9 Feb 2013, 12:23:33 UTC

I was reading the Boinc change-log, where they show the changes from version to version of Boinc, and saw this "I will not log changes for the Android versions that will be released from now on as well."

Here is the change-log site:

That is ALL I know but it seems it IS coming!!
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Message 4535 - Posted: 9 Feb 2013, 13:05:16 UTC

Mikey, you'd run Boinc on a light bulb if you could :) I wonder about the practicality of Boinc on Android (at least as a cruncher) tho. Most Android platforms are not studly processors. My Kindle Fire would melt down into a pile of goo just thinking about it. I have several elderly Windows XP 1.3 GHz and 2.4 GHz processors and it's hard to find work simple enough for them to complete sometime before the end of the universe.
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Message 4539 - Posted: 10 Feb 2013, 13:19:27 UTC - in response to Message 4535.  

Mikey, you'd run Boinc on a light bulb if you could :) I wonder about the practicality of Boinc on Android (at least as a cruncher) tho. Most Android platforms are not studly processors. My Kindle Fire would melt down into a pile of goo just thinking about it. I have several elderly Windows XP 1.3 GHz and 2.4 GHz processors and it's hard to find work simple enough for them to complete sometime before the end of the universe.

You are probably right...8-)))!!! But as for those older machines have you tried Eon yet? I run that on one machine that just takes too long even running the simpler projects, it takes about 30 minutes to run a single unit on my dual core 2.66ghz machine. This IS a 64bit machine but it does not have a pci-e slot in it and is running Windows Home Server, it is SLOW!!

I agree about running Boinc on a handheld device, but I KNOW it has been done before. I think it would run down the battery in a very short time, so maybe you can set it to run only when it is plugged in, I don't know. As far as heat goes I hadn't thought about that, but you are right it WOULD be a problem! My Iphone 5 gets warm sometimes and I am certainly not pushing it hard like Boinc would.
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Message boards : Number crunching : Android Crunching IS coming!!

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