Too many wus for when they due

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Message 3327 - Posted: 2 Jul 2012, 2:32:53 UTC

I have two machines and one is doing just fine running all moo for gpu. The other one is also running all moo for gpu but it gets too many wus, so it can't finish them in time. So I have to monitor them and delete ones it can't do. All my wus take about an hour, and it till d/l 8 days worth, but the end date of the furthest out wu will be due in 7 days, so I'll have a whole days worth of wus I can't possibly complete on time. How do I fix this? Thanks for your help
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Message 3328 - Posted: 2 Jul 2012, 10:43:06 UTC - in response to Message 3327.  

I have two machines and one is doing just fine running all moo for gpu. The other one is also running all moo for gpu but it gets too many wus, so it can't finish them in time. So I have to monitor them and delete ones it can't do. All my wus take about an hour, and it till d/l 8 days worth, but the end date of the furthest out wu will be due in 7 days, so I'll have a whole days worth of wus I can't possibly complete on time. How do I fix this? Thanks for your help

Make your cache a little smaller.
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Message 3468 - Posted: 4 Aug 2012, 21:37:52 UTC - in response to Message 3327.  
Last modified: 4 Aug 2012, 21:40:45 UTC

I'm having a similar issue.
Boinc calls home for updates, and Moo pulls upwards of one hundred to two hundred work units (4hrs each according to "remaining") and then simply hogs all resources until it's finished.
Boinc rotates Projects every half hour by my settings, but since moo filled up the cache to my set limit of 2 days (ignoring all other project work units filling said cache) my machine crunches fairly until the other Projects are clear, but they won't download a new work unit until Moo finishes all it's WU's.

If moo finishes before other projects have a chance to call home, it grabs 100-200 more and I just infinitely crunch Moo Projects.

so what's the deal?

Is there a cc_config setting or app_info that I can add to say "only grab x number of work units"?

Other wise I have to kill the project. I've been manually limiting moo from crunching but this is not ideal.
Current Boinc in use.
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Message 3474 - Posted: 5 Aug 2012, 11:46:53 UTC - in response to Message 3468.  

I'm having a similar issue.
Boinc calls home for updates, and Moo pulls upwards of one hundred to two hundred work units (4hrs each according to "remaining") and then simply hogs all resources until it's finished.
Boinc rotates Projects every half hour by my settings, but since moo filled up the cache to my set limit of 2 days (ignoring all other project work units filling said cache) my machine crunches fairly until the other Projects are clear, but they won't download a new work unit until Moo finishes all it's WU's.

If moo finishes before other projects have a chance to call home, it grabs 100-200 more and I just infinitely crunch Moo Projects.

so what's the deal?

Is there a cc_config setting or app_info that I can add to say "only grab x number of work units"?

Other wise I have to kill the project. I've been manually limiting moo from crunching but this is not ideal.
Current Boinc in use.

What are your cache settings for Boinc? Did you reverse them when going from ver 6 to ver 7? Ver 7 settings are LITERAL, not guidelines! So when it says "minimum work buffer [] days" it means DO NOT GET WORK UNTIL I GET DOWN TO THAT AMOUNT OF WORK LEFT! When it says "max additional work buffer [] days" it means DO NOT GET MORE THAN THIS AMOUNT OF EXTRA WORK! My suggestion would be to make the first number bigger than the second, I use 0.75 in the first box and 0.10 in the second box, that gives me just over 1 days cache or work. It even spreads the work over several projects if I have my Boinc set that way. It can take awhile to get there though.

One more thing....Boinc could be trying to level out the credits between projects, it is a new thing implemented in the later versions of version 6. It is not something I like and doesn't work all that well but can be a pain. One other thing is the scheduler is still not perfect and ver 7.0.32 is supposed to fix some more problems, I think 7.0.31 is close to fixing most of them.
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Message 3589 - Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 20:27:40 UTC - in response to Message 3474.  


Nice info!

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Message 3601 - Posted: 24 Aug 2012, 21:59:43 UTC

and i don't get more than 2 at same time... its ridiculous.
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Message 3605 - Posted: 25 Aug 2012, 11:21:27 UTC - in response to Message 3601.  

and i don't get more than 2 at same time... its ridiculous.

You started a whole other thread on this and I posted there.
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Message 3607 - Posted: 25 Aug 2012, 13:55:38 UTC - in response to Message 3468.  

Is there a cc_config setting or app_info that I can add to say "only grab x number of work units"?

All that is handled by the BOINC Server and Client themself so anything going horribly wrong there would most likely be a bug in the BOINC software. Also you can try to tweak the preferences of BOINC Client as mentioned.

What I can do is to update the BOINC Server code we are running, which I'll try to do soon. Hopefully that will improve or at least change things.

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Questions and Answers : Preferences : Too many wus for when they due

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