Last updated 10 Dec 2024, 11:35:03 UTC

dcushing ("Retired USCG communicator")
KWH* ("Occupation depends on the day of the week. Machinist, PC Tech are but a few. Hobbies are...")
Purple Rabbit ("I was born at a very early age in Alliance, Ohio. The harbinger of my future showed itself...")
Dan T. Morris ("")
Rainmaker* ("I'm just me...a laid back 46-year-old male who is employed in the medical field. With a...")
Sir Stooper ("So there I was, surrounded by all manner of foul beasts. And me with nothing but my trusty...")
Beyond ("I'm retired and DC is one of my hobbies along with marathon canoe racing and XC skiing. In...")
Coleslaw ("Proud Member of Team [H]ard|OCP and the [H]ard DC Commandos...")
Clank [MM] ("Crunch, crunch, crunch...need my fix!")
rkillian ("I am a 53 year old disabled fireman after 26 years of service. I was trained in electronic...")

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