Last updated 26 Jul 2024, 13:25:02 UTC

jcuervo ("")
Simone [3dz2] ("Hi :D")
[FVG] bax ("Born in '69, industrial automation engineer, interested in DC since 2008, in love with...")
Michele ANSALDI ("23/03/2004 Me and my daughter Alicia in front of our house in Holguìn (Cuba) I am...")
[SBT]nongio ("I'm italian and enrolled at University "Amedeo Avogadro" of Mathematics, Physics and...")
[CAMP] Cavidor ("I'm from Ischia (Napoli), Italy. I started distributed computing with SETI classic in...")
morse [E.R.] - BOINC.Italy ("My name is Andrea and I'm 25 years old. I graduated in engineering of telecommunications...")
Alessandro Maitre [E.R.] ("Hi to all! I'm Alessandro,a member of Boinc.Italy Team! I'm an Italian student who want...")
Bif74 [Lombardia] ("Hi to all! I'm Marco, 37 yo. I like sci-fi also read books. I'm a member of BOINC.Italy.")

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