Last updated 26 Jul 2024, 13:25:02 UTC

krahulik ("The Member of the Czech National Team ... ")
bundaboy ("Greetings from Prague, Czech Republic! :) Member of since...")
petnek ("Hi, I´m Petr (24 years). I live close to Prague. My hobby is PC, BOINC, aviation,...")
KPX ("Greetings from Prague!")
nenym ("I'm traffic engineer. My job is programming of traffic controllers. Member of Czech...")
Vit Kliber ("I am cruncher from Czech National Team I manage...")
koll ("Czechoslovak 1963 Mi, Computer, BOINC, Geocaching, Photo, Bicycle, Breadbaker, ...")
Karelvovsik ("Hi! My name is Karel.I living and working on Southwest Czech Republic. I am interested in...")

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