Last updated 26 Jul 2024, 13:25:03 UTC

WereChild ("Brought into this world in the year of '74, on a now infamous date. Loves pretty much...")
wadnatze ("wadnatze, Member of: Team wadnatze ")
Wabi CZ ("My name is Milos and I am 53 years old. I live in Brno, which is a wonderful town in The...")
W.B. Franken* ("I live near The Hague in the Netherlands. I run a business in foodsupplements -import,...")
williebthere ("Married U.S. Air Force 1972-1976 Bricklayer - PCC Sober Collect old antique...")
WhiteWulfe ("Hi, I'm WhiteWulfe, a member of's BOINC team that hails from Northern...")

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