Last updated 26 Jul 2024, 13:25:02 UTC

Rafa Hens El Califa [Cordoba] ("")
rilian ("Crunching for Ukraine team - best team ever!")
Ralfy ("BOINC Enthusiast ")
Rainmaker* ("I'm just me...a laid back 46-year-old male who is employed in the medical field. With a...")
rebel9 ("BOINC enthusiast. Programmer.")
rkillian ("I am a 53 year old disabled fireman after 26 years of service. I was trained in electronic...")
Rendo ("Hi, my name is René. I´m member of CzechNationalTeam.")
renespeed ("Industrial design, Shanghai Jiaotong University (2008-2012) currently i use my new...")
Remo* ("Hallo! Mein Name ist Remo, ich wohne bei Luzern (Schweiz) und bin am 16.03.1982 geboren....")

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