Last updated 26 Jul 2024, 13:25:02 UTC

PoHeDa ("Crunchen wir miteinander für einander und haben Spaß dabei, egal welches Team oder...")
petnek ("Hi, I´m Petr (24 years). I live close to Prague. My hobby is PC, BOINC, aviation,...")
phaeton57 ("I am member in the team SETI.Germany. I am convinced that we are not alone in the universe.")
Pooh Bear 27 ("I have been crunching projects on and off since 1999. I have played and worked with...")
Purple Rabbit ("I was born at a very early age in Alliance, Ohio. The harbinger of my future showed itself...")
patyczak ("Hi! My name is Michael. I'm 32 and I live in Wroclaw the most beautiful and historical...")
PERPLEXER ~ Thomas Huettinger
Phil Klassen ("Just doing my part with a couple of extra computers.")
PavolR (""Dve veci ma naplnaju obdivom: mravny zakon v nas a hviezdne nebo nado mnou." Immanuel...")

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