Last updated 26 Jul 2024, 13:25:03 UTC

marianob [marche] ("Mi chiamo Mariano e sono italiano. My name is Mariano and I'm italian.")
Mark Sango ("Amateur pianist and guitarist.")
Maurice Goulois ("Informaticien, résidant à Paris. Supporteur du calcul distribué depuis qu'il...")
mickydl* ("")
MarkRBright ("Really nothing much to say. a middle-aged computer geek like millions of others.") ("Czechoslovak SF and F, web games, translating")
MajkPascal ("My name is Michał. I'm from Kraków in Poland. I've computed for BOINC since 2011.")
MatthiasLeimbach ("hi,born Hamburg '57, live in Zeeland, Holland started World Community Grid 2007 and...")
Miss Overkill ("Born 2008.09.18 at 60°11'28.5"N 11°59'47.9"E")
MG3 ("Born 2015.02.27 at 60°52’37’’N 11°34’15’’E")

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